In all the grandeur provided by the wide view of sliding-door windows, it’s easy to overlook some of the door’s less flashy details. Take handles, for example.
You might ask, “What’s the big deal with handles? A handle is just a handle, right?” But a poorly functioning handle or one that stands out like a sore thumb in your abode can be a big deal.
Let’s start with a shoddily built handle. If your handle is not sturdy and well secured, it can affect the rest of your door. For example, a tinny handle with a latch can affect the locking mechanism inside the door latch. It can even apply uneven pressure when opening and shutting the door, which over a long period might affect the door’s tracking. A shoddy handle can simply break as well, creating a whole new realm of problems.
Have you ever considered your handle’s look? Your room might require a wooden handle or one sporting faux wood grain if it is a room trimmed or sided with wood. If your kitchen is modern or minimalist, and it includes a sliding door, a handle of stainless steel or other metal will fit the look much better than wood.
We all know that just the sound of a shaky handle can unnerve any homeowner.
Fortunately, we at Local Sliding Doors keep a variety of handles in our inventory—ones to fit every style and pocketbook. Generally, handles come in two types: inserted and surface mounted. Inserted handles usually incorporate the locking latch in their assemblage. A surface-mounted handle is attached to the frame and not connected to the locking device.
Some handles are designed to require very little force while others demand a solid pull or push—similar to different models of car doors.
Determining the right handle for your sliding-door needs can sometimes be challenging. But that’s why our technicians at Local Sliding Doors stand ready to advise you on which handle to install and whether a simple repair will do the job.
Can’t Get a Handle on Your Sliding-door Handles?
Call Local Sliding Doors
We’ll Handle Your Problem in No Time at All!